What's the challenge?
Let's face it - life gets busy. When all the things pulling at our attention start to take over, one of the first things that's easy to pause is intentionally growing our relationship with God.
The Grow Deep Challenge is a set aside 30 days at the beginning of the year that can help you form healthy spiritual habits. Here’s the truth: we always find time for things we choose to make time for. For followers of Jesus, your time with Jesus is crucial to your growth as a believer.
So here’s the challenge: Spend 30 minutes a day with God. You might break this down with 10 minutes of reading your Bible (using a translation that you understand), 10 minutes of writing in a journal about what you've read, and 10 minutes praying. Not sure where to start? We've prepared resources to help you find a groove in developing these habits. We believe taking this challenge seriously will be transformational in your walk with Jesus.
Are you up for the challenge?
I'm in. Now what?
For someone who is just getting in the habit of spending time with God each day, thirty minutes can seem like a long time. So, we’ve given you some ideas in the resources below for how to start.
For this to really work, you will need a friend participating in this challenge with you. Accountability is key to consistency, and we believe we are better together. It might be just you and one friend or maybe it's a whole group of people. However, each day check in to let each other know when you have completed your 30 minutes and encourage each other. If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up - just pick up where you left off.
We’ve also created a playlist of music that might help you prepare for your time with God each day. There are a variety of songs, all of which can help you get in the right mindset as you sit down for the most important 30 minutes of your day. This playlist is available on Spotify and there’s a link below.
The goal is not to be perfect.
The goal is to spend time with God.
30 minutes for 30 days.
Let's do this.